Vendor ManagementStrategic Vendor Management that creates
Longterm partnerships with suppliers
Vendor management is a necessity in business today.
LinkÂing a venÂdor’s soluÂtions to client requireÂments is a big area of responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty highÂlightÂed in present-day busiÂness setÂtings. Whether you’re deployÂing new COTS softÂware or outÂsourcÂing a porÂtion of your busiÂness, venÂdor manÂageÂment is essenÂtial to your busiÂness’s sucÂcess.
With over 30 years of expeÂriÂence manÂagÂing venÂdors and relatÂed stakeÂholdÂers, GT Group is comÂmitÂted to meetÂing and exceedÂing your demands and expecÂtaÂtions. If you’re already workÂing with an existÂing PMO, GT SoluÂtions can help you add the right govÂerÂnance feaÂtures needÂed for ongoÂing venÂdor manÂageÂment.
VenÂdors have conÂtracts with your orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, not with othÂer venÂdors. MostÂly, you may find prodÂuct or serÂvice depenÂdenÂcies between partÂners on your planÂning jourÂney. We can help you idenÂtiÂfy these depenÂdenÂcies and manÂage the inteÂgraÂtion points, handÂoffs and opporÂtuÂniÂties between mulÂtiÂple venÂdor parÂties.
As the experts, and we underÂstand the pitÂfalls and act as the repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives of the ownÂer to make sure all parÂties assoÂciÂatÂed with projects meet their respecÂtive comÂmitÂments. ManÂagÂing scope and conÂtract delivÂerÂables while applyÂing change manÂageÂment to the process proÂvides the transÂparenÂcy essenÂtial to accomÂplish sucÂcess.

GboyeTell Group Vendor Management Consulting
The GboyeTell Group venÂdor manÂageÂment conÂsultÂing helps busiÂnessÂes streamÂline their operÂaÂtions and improve their botÂtom line. This arm of GboyeTell Group was foundÂed in 2017 by two entreÂpreÂneurs who saw a need for this type of serÂvice in the marÂketÂplace. GboyeTell Group has since helped hunÂdreds of busiÂnessÂes save monÂey and improve their effiÂcienÂcy.
What We OfferVendor management consulting services
If you are lookÂing for a way to improve your venÂdor manÂageÂment, GboyeTell Group can help. We offer conÂsultÂing serÂvices that are taiÂlored to your speÂcifÂic needs. We can help you develÂop and impleÂment processÂes that will improve comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion and colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion with your venÂdors. We also offer trainÂing to help you and your staff manÂage venÂdors more effecÂtiveÂly. Our goal is to help you save time and monÂey while improvÂing the qualÂiÂty of your prodÂucts and serÂvices.
Our ServicesAssessing, developing, and improving your vendor management program
GboyeTell Group offers venÂdor manÂageÂment conÂsultÂing serÂvices to help orgaÂniÂzaÂtions assess, develÂop, and improve their venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgrams. We have a team of expeÂriÂenced conÂsulÂtants who can work with you to idenÂtiÂfy your speÂcifÂic needs and taiÂlor a soluÂtion that fits your orgaÂniÂzaÂtion.
Our serÂvices include:
AssessÂing your curÂrent venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram and idenÂtiÂfyÂing areas for improveÂment
DevelÂopÂing cusÂtomized poliÂcies and proÂceÂdures based on best pracÂtices
IdenÂtiÂfyÂing key perÂforÂmance indiÂcaÂtors (KPIs) to meaÂsure sucÂcess
ImpleÂmentÂing improveÂments to your proÂgram and proÂvidÂing ongoÂing supÂport
If you are lookÂing to improve your venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram, conÂtact GboyeTell Group today. We can help you streamÂline your processÂes, improve comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with venÂdors, and save time and monÂey.
How We Do ItOur team of experts will work with you to improve your vendor management program
1. Is your venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram in need of an overÂhaul? Our team of experts will work with you to improve your venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram, ensurÂing that it runs smoothÂly and effiÂcientÂly.
2. We underÂstand the chalÂlenges that come with manÂagÂing venÂdors, and we have the expeÂriÂence and knowlÂedge to help you overÂcome them. We’ll work with you to streamÂline your proÂgram and make it more effecÂtive.
3. With our help, you’ll be able to betÂter manÂage your venÂdors and improve your botÂtom line.
The BenefitsImproved efficiency and effectiveness in your vendor management program
GboyeTell Group VenÂdor ManÂageÂment ConÂsultÂing strives to improve the effiÂcienÂcy and effecÂtiveÂness of your venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram. Our serÂvices are taiÂlored to meet the unique needs of each client, and our team of experts has a wealth of expeÂriÂence in venÂdor manÂageÂment.
We work with you to streamÂline your venÂdor manÂageÂment process, idenÂtiÂfy opporÂtuÂniÂties for cost savÂings, and improve comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion and coorÂdiÂnaÂtion between your orgaÂniÂzaÂtion and your venÂdors. Our goal is to help you optiÂmize your venÂdor relaÂtionÂships and achieve your desired results.
The benÂeÂfits of workÂing with GboyeTell Group include improved effiÂcienÂcy and effecÂtiveÂness in your venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram. We can help you save time and monÂey, while improvÂing the qualÂiÂty of your venÂdor relaÂtionÂships. ConÂtact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram to the next levÂel.
Let GboyeTell Group help you improve your vendor management program today
If your comÂpaÂny is strugÂgling with venÂdor manÂageÂment, GboyeTell Group can help. We are experts in the field and can proÂvide you with the tools and resources you need to improve your proÂgram. We will work with you to ensure that your venÂdor manÂageÂment proÂgram is effecÂtive and effiÂcient. ConÂtact us today to learn more about our serÂvices.