The fol­low­ing describes the Anti-Spam Pol­i­cy for our GboyeTell Group web­site.

What Is Spam?

Spam is unso­licit­ed email, also known as junk mail (received via email), or UCE (Unso­licit­ed Com­mer­cial Email). Vir­tu­al­ly all of us have opened the inbox of an email account and found emails from an unknown sender. By send­ing email only to those who have request­ed to receive it, we at GboyeTell Group are fol­low­ing accept­ed per­mis­sion-based email guide­lines.

What About The Laws Against Spam?

They exist. How­ev­er, as with any body of laws, any indi­vid­ual State spam statutes can and will vary. The spam laws of each State can not only vary, but also have dif­fer­ent def­i­n­i­tions of unso­licit­ed com­mer­cial email. Addi­tion­al­ly, there may be var­i­ous fed­er­al agen­cies keep­ing track of spam, includ­ing the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion (FTC). At the Fed­er­al lev­el, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 pro­mul­gates some attempt at a coher­ent and uni­fied approach to unso­licit­ed com­mer­cial email. Ulti­mate­ly, it would be dif­fi­cult to enforce spam law vio­la­tions on any con­sis­tent or per­va­sive basis, so your own vig­i­lance is your own best first line of defense. Beyond that, we pro­tect you by ensur­ing that you are 100% in con­trol of whether or not you ever hear from GboyeTell Group by email ini­tial­ly or in the future, as detailed in our “No Tol­er­ance” pol­i­cy below.

Our No Tol­er­ance Anti-Spam Pol­i­cy

WE HAVE A NO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY. We do not email unless some­one has filled out an “opt in” form or “web­form” express­ing an inter­est in our infor­ma­tion or prod­ucts and/or ser­vices, or oth­er­wise direct­ly and proac­tive­ly request­ing it. News of the fea­tures and ben­e­fits of Mem­ber­ship is spread through adver­tis­ing, joint ven­ture mar­ket­ing, and word of mouth, so we are only build­ing rela­tion­ship with folks who wish to learn more about what we have to offer and will­ing­ly sub­scribe to our con­tent and con­tact through email. You are always com­plete­ly in con­trol of whether you receive email com­mu­ni­ca­tion from GboyeTell Group, and can ter­mi­nate at any time.

NOTE — Every auto-gen­er­at­ed email con­tains a manda­to­ry unsub­scribe link that can­not be removed. There­fore, each com­mu­ni­ca­tion gen­er­at­ed by GboyeTell Group car­ries with it the option to “unsub­scribe” and nev­er receive anoth­er email com­mu­ni­ca­tion from GboyeTell Group.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by GboyeTell Group, in order to pro­tect you and our GboyeTell Group web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at GboyeTell Group have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on GboyeTell Group for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect vio­la­tors.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: