A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success
One-Stop Shop for PMO Services & Project Management Consulting
With an excellent record of over 15 years of project management consulting & PMO Services, GT Group has grown to become the niche provider that clients seek when they are out to implement business-enhancing, agile PMO services that will improve project & portfolio performance.
GT SoluÂtions will help you improve your PMO effiÂcienÂcy & perÂforÂmance with our extenÂsiveÂly proven project manÂageÂment conÂsultÂing methÂods and time testÂed approachÂes & processÂes that we have impleÂmentÂed in hunÂdreds of orgaÂniÂzaÂtions.

PMO Deployment, Operation, & Enhancement
For over 15 years, GT SoluÂtions has been as a leader in PMO design & pracÂtice, AvailÂing to its clients, the needÂed experÂtise and tools to enable them creÂate, manÂage & susÂtain a valÂue-driÂven PMO.

Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
Our approach to project portÂfoÂlio manÂageÂment (PPM) helps you to select & manÂage an optiÂmal portÂfoÂlio of projects — Projects that maxÂiÂmizes the revÂenue, responÂsiveÂness and adaptÂabilÂiÂty of your orgaÂniÂzaÂtion and are aligned with your strateÂgic busiÂness goals.

Organizational Change Management
CulÂture plays a role in how orgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal strateÂgies are exeÂcutÂed. As marÂket conÂdiÂtions cause strateÂgies to evolve, orgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal culÂtures must also folÂlow to stay comÂpetÂiÂtive & profÂitable.

Demand Management
When portÂfoÂlio and resource manÂageÂment conÂverge to meet busiÂness & project demands.

Resource Management
GT SoluÂtions will help you source, strucÂture, & anaÂlyze your orgaÂniÂzaÂtion’s resource manÂageÂment inforÂmaÂtion, pracÂtices & proÂceÂdures to effecÂtiveÂly utiÂlize availÂable talÂent & streamÂline resource deployÂment.

Vendor Management
GT SoluÂtions has the capaÂbilÂiÂty & expeÂriÂence to help you manÂage mulÂtiÂple venÂdors and work on your behalf with them to ensure all conÂtract terms and conÂdiÂtions are met.

Project Review & Recovery
With so much at stake, fast action is the key to avoidÂing lossÂes assoÂciÂatÂed with project failÂures. GT SoluÂtions brings you experts who can address comÂmon areas of conÂcern includÂing scope, resource availÂabilÂiÂty, and project conÂtrols to turn around a trouÂbled project quickÂly.

Project Management Maturity Advancement
We work with our clients to assess the curÂrent levÂel of matuÂriÂty, develÂop an achievÂable improveÂment plan, and help keep the momenÂtum going by supÂportÂing the exeÂcuÂtion and meaÂsureÂment of the recÂomÂmendÂed improveÂments.

Project Management Methodology Implementation
ImpleÂmenÂtaÂtion is a colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive process, with final methodÂolÂoÂgy ownÂerÂship in your hands. Our methodÂolÂoÂgy impleÂmenÂtaÂtion approachÂes are designed to fosÂter accepÂtance and make the adopÂtion of a stanÂdard methodÂolÂoÂgy welÂcomed withÂin your project culÂture.

Project Management Mentors
GT SoluÂtions’ MenÂtors work closeÂly with your project manÂagers and project perÂsonÂnel to build project manÂageÂment comÂpeÂtenÂcy while ensurÂing sucÂcessÂful exeÂcuÂtion of projects.
Rise to the top
Increase Sales
Using our time testÂed marÂketÂing kit, methodÂolÂoÂgy and processÂes, your sales are about to go through the roof.
count on us
The ROI Experts
Your monÂey should be makÂing you more monÂey is how our experts thing. Our methodÂolÂoÂgy and proÂpriÂety processÂes maxÂiÂmizes the returns on your investÂment.
try, try again
Best Practices
We nevÂer give up, our approach forces the marÂket to give us returns using globÂal best pracÂtices. Our RepetÂiÂtive advanÂtage gives an expoÂnenÂtial increase to our clients probÂaÂbilÂiÂty for sucÂcess.