project management methodology implementationIs your methodology agile enough to meet current business demands?
Project Methodology Development
GT Group can develÂop proÂceÂdures and processÂes for your comÂpaÂny’s speÂcifÂic needs by takÂing into conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion the scope of your project portÂfoÂlio, the comÂplexÂiÂty and duraÂtion of your project proÂgrams, and your curÂrent operÂaÂtional modÂel (are you expandÂing or conÂtractÂing).
It’s cruÂcial to have the right levÂel of process, matched to the most suitÂable tools, so that your project staff can delivÂer sucÂcessÂfulÂly. You don’t have to scrap your vision to start from scratch. We will assess the curÂrent state of your processÂes and the way your team utiÂlizes these across its orgaÂniÂzaÂtion.
Our conÂsulÂtants come with a set of temÂplates, forms, toolkÂit of processÂes, and checkÂlists to use to be able to help your busiÂness. The key is to impleÂment the approÂpriÂate levÂel of process to encourÂage prompt and effiÂcient delivÂery of projects on time and on budÂget.
Project Methodology Deployment
DeployÂment of new processÂes and stanÂdards is not a one-off effort. Once you’ve estabÂlished proÂceÂdures and artiÂfacts, they must be redeÂployed. Some techÂniques can be used to introÂduce new processÂes and stanÂdards in a busiÂness sysÂtem. ExamÂples of such techÂniques are classÂroom trainÂing, workÂshops, and lunch and learns.
CoachÂes should work alongÂside Project and ProÂgram ManÂagers in a group setÂting or on a one-on-one basis to make sure the methodÂolÂoÂgy is propÂerÂly impleÂmentÂed. To aid in natÂurÂal employÂee attriÂtion withÂin an orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, we can help estabÂlish a new hire oriÂenÂtaÂtion process to ease the tranÂsiÂtion.

Project Methodology Deployment
DeployÂment of new processÂes and stanÂdards is not a one-off effort. Once you’ve estabÂlished proÂceÂdures and artiÂfacts, they must be redeÂployed. Some techÂniques can be used to introÂduce new processÂes and stanÂdards in a busiÂness sysÂtem. ExamÂples of such techÂniques are classÂroom trainÂing, workÂshops, and lunch and learns.
CoachÂes should work alongÂside Project and ProÂgram ManÂagers in a group setÂting or on a one-on-one basis to make sure the methodÂolÂoÂgy is propÂerÂly impleÂmentÂed. To aid in natÂurÂal employÂee attriÂtion withÂin an orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, we can help estabÂlish a new hire oriÂenÂtaÂtion process to ease the tranÂsiÂtion.