The convergence of portfolio and resource management to meet business and project demands.
Do you have the resources to hanÂdle new iniÂtiaÂtives as they come up? When new tasks require more resources than you have on hand, are you able to adapt?
GT Group regÂuÂlarÂly helps clients address these types of chalÂlenges with estabÂlished plans to achieve equiÂlibÂriÂum and propÂerÂly track upcomÂing projects in the job portÂfoÂlio.

The convergence of portfolio and resource management
to meet business and project demands.
Do you have the resources to hanÂdle new iniÂtiaÂtives as they come up? When new tasks require more resources than you have on hand, are you able to adapt?
GT Group regÂuÂlarÂly helps clients address these types of chalÂlenges with estabÂlished plans to achieve equiÂlibÂriÂum and propÂerÂly track upcomÂing projects in the job portÂfoÂlio.

For each of our demand manÂageÂment engageÂment, our experts focus on evalÂuÂatÂing your existÂing project portÂfoÂlio manÂageÂment (PPM) and resource-manÂageÂment pracÂtices, and we make any necÂesÂsary improveÂments to these critÂiÂcal areas, so the funcÂtion of the two sysÂtems are coherÂent, to proÂvide essenÂtial inforÂmaÂtion that acts as founÂdaÂtion for intelÂliÂgent manÂageÂment deciÂsions and actions.
- View our Resource ManÂageÂment serÂvices
- View our PortÂfoÂlio ManÂageÂment serÂvices
GboyeTell Group Demand and Customer Management Services
GboyeTell Group proÂvides demand and cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices to help busiÂnessÂes betÂter underÂstand and serve their cusÂtomers. By underÂstandÂing cusÂtomer needs and wants, busiÂnessÂes can more effecÂtiveÂly tarÂget their marÂketÂing efforts and improve their overÂall serÂvice offerÂings.
GT Group’s demand and cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices include marÂket research, cusÂtomer segÂmenÂtaÂtion, tarÂget marÂket analyÂsis, and cusÂtomer proÂfilÂing. These serÂvices help busiÂnessÂes idenÂtiÂfy who their tarÂget cusÂtomers are, what they want, and how to best reach them. In addiÂtion, GboyeTell Group proÂvides conÂsultÂing serÂvices to help busiÂnessÂes impleÂment these strateÂgies and improve their overÂall perÂforÂmance.
What Demand and Customer Management Services do we offer?
GboyeTell Group is a cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices comÂpaÂny that helps busiÂnessÂes with their demand and cusÂtomer manÂageÂment. The comÂpaÂny offers a variÂety of serÂvices includÂing cusÂtomer acquiÂsiÂtion, cusÂtomer serÂvice, and cusÂtomer retenÂtion.
Our cusÂtomer acquiÂsiÂtion serÂvices help busiÂnessÂes find new cusÂtomers and get them to conÂvert into payÂing cusÂtomers. CusÂtomer serÂvice offerÂings help busiÂnessÂes keep their cusÂtomers hapÂpy and loyÂal. FinalÂly, our cusÂtomer retenÂtion serÂvices help busiÂnessÂes keep their cusÂtomers comÂing back for more busiÂness.
In addiÂtion to its demand and cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices, GboyeTell Group also offers a numÂber of othÂer serÂvices such as marÂket research, busiÂness conÂsultÂing, and event planÂning.
How do these services benefit businesses?
GboyeTell Group’s demand and cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices help busiÂnessÂes by proÂvidÂing them with a way to betÂter underÂstand and manÂage their cusÂtomer base. These serÂvices allow busiÂnessÂes to see how their cusÂtomers interÂact with their prodÂuct or serÂvice and give them insight into what facÂtors influÂence cusÂtomer behavÂior.
This inforÂmaÂtion can be used to improve the cusÂtomer expeÂriÂence and increase sales. AddiÂtionÂalÂly, these serÂvices can help busiÂnessÂes reduce costs by reducÂing the need for cusÂtomer supÂport and increasÂing operÂaÂtional effiÂcienÂcy.
Case Study: How GboyeTell helped Avana Natural Beauty
In today’s busiÂness world, the cusÂtomer is always right. In order to ensure that your cusÂtomers are hapÂpy with your prodÂuct or serÂvice, you need to have a solÂid cusÂtomer manÂageÂment stratÂeÂgy in place.
One comÂpaÂny that has seen sucÂcess with its cusÂtomer manÂageÂment stratÂeÂgy is Avana NatÂurÂal BeauÂty. Avana is a natÂurÂal beauÂty prodÂucts comÂpaÂny that sells its prodÂucts online and in stores.
In order to keep its cusÂtomers hapÂpy, Avana decidÂed to partÂner with GboyeTell Group. GboyeTell is a demand and cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices comÂpaÂny. Through its partÂnerÂship with GboyeTell, Avana has been able to improve its cusÂtomer serÂvice and increase sales.
Avana’s partÂnerÂship with GboyeTell has been invaluÂable in helpÂing the comÂpaÂny improve its cusÂtomer manÂageÂment stratÂeÂgy. Thanks to GboyeTell, Avana has been able to keep its cusÂtomers hapÂpy and increase sales.
Our Clients are in Good Hands
The GboyeTell Group is a cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices comÂpaÂny that helps busiÂnessÂes with a numÂber of difÂferÂent tasks, includÂing demand manÂageÂment. The comÂpaÂny has been in busiÂness for over 10 years and has a strong repÂuÂtaÂtion.
We are a well-estabÂlished comÂpaÂny that offers a variÂety of cusÂtomer manÂageÂment serÂvices. The comÂpaÂny has extenÂsive expeÂriÂence and we offer our clients a numÂber of difÂferÂent ways to manÂage their cusÂtomers. If you are lookÂing for help with manÂagÂing your cusÂtomers, then GboyeTell Group is defÂiÂniteÂly worth conÂsidÂerÂing.