StratÂeÂgy ManÂageÂment ConÂsulÂtants AdegÂboyeÂga TelÂla, CEO, foundÂed The GboyeTell Group in 2017 to make a subÂstanÂtial difÂferÂence as a valÂues-based brand manÂageÂment conÂsultÂing firm. Years of leadÂerÂship in nationÂal and interÂnaÂtionÂal busiÂnessÂes gave AdegÂboyeÂga firstÂhand expoÂsure to many busiÂness chalÂlenges. He underÂstood he could make a meanÂingÂful difÂferÂence across indusÂtries by inteÂgratÂing and exeÂcutÂing susÂtainÂable […]
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