Life coach Joshua — Find & live your purpose without fear

I specialize in helping people figure out what it is that makes them happy and fulfilled in life, while maintaining steady and predictable success goals for them selves and their employers

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The A‑Z guide to self fulfillment

Group 86

Better communication

We lis­ten, yes we lis­ten to every­one and every issue to con­nect with the root cause and prof­fer sus­tain­able solu­tions through effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tions

Fill 5629 Fill 5630 Fill 5631

One on one sessions

Our ses­sions are per­son­al­ized to the indi­vid­ual. We try to meet you were you are. Tai­lored for the best per­son­al expe­ri­ence that makes you feel com­fort­able and at home

Group 8

Awakened listening

We pro­vide you with our pro­pri­etary mate­ri­als for your leisure lis­ten­ing. Designed to awak­en you to a bet­ter­self and enhanc­ing your human expe­ri­ence

Group 60

exploratory sessions

No mat­ter the issues or con­di­tions, we sit with you to find answers. We are die hard solu­tion find­ers, ready to explore every area, till all issues are resolved.

About the theraphy

What­ev­er your faith or back­ground our doors are open to you, both lit­er­al­ly and vir­tu­al­ly. Our beau­ti­ful church has ser­vices every day and is often open through­out the day for peo­ple to come and vis­it and sit in qui­et reflec­tion or to admire the stun­ning archi­tec­ture of the build­ing. You can also use our web­site to find out more about our work, what we have going on and details of peo­ple and organ­i­sa­tions to con­tact if you need help or sup­port with any­thing. 


What my trainees say

I was the clas­sic des­per­ate house­wife. Always hun­gry, tired and frus­trat­ed. With Tom’s help, I man­aged to become the strong woman I am now.
brian fraser 337137
Cecile Emeke
Half of my life was spent wan­der­ing and sob­bing. It was only after meet­ing Tom that I dis­cov­ered what I tru­ly love: danc­ing naked in the dark with my pets.
janko ferlic 337879
Kei­th Stan­field
I’m not the sort of per­son that goes for coach­ing, but what can I say… Tom came at the right time and the right place. Thanks man, you helped me become myself.
hunter johnson 222001
Grif­fin Free­man
Oh my… I nev­er thought I could feel so good in a sim­ple talk­ing ses­sion with Tom. True, his mas­sage skills also help me relax, but it’s his mind that real­ly great.
sage kirk 485982
Myra Lucre­tia

Your life is more important than you may believe