Life coach Joshua — Find & live your purpose without fear
I specialize in helping people figure out what it is that makes them happy and fulfilled in life, while maintaining steady and predictable success goals for them selves and their employers

The A‑Z guide to self fulfillment

Better communication
We lisÂten, yes we lisÂten to everyÂone and every issue to conÂnect with the root cause and profÂfer susÂtainÂable soluÂtions through effecÂtive comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions

One on one sessions
Our sesÂsions are perÂsonÂalÂized to the indiÂvidÂual. We try to meet you were you are. TaiÂlored for the best perÂsonÂal expeÂriÂence that makes you feel comÂfortÂable and at home

Awakened listening
We proÂvide you with our proÂpriÂetary mateÂriÂals for your leisure lisÂtenÂing. Designed to awakÂen you to a betÂterÂself and enhancÂing your human expeÂriÂence

exploratory sessions
No matÂter the issues or conÂdiÂtions, we sit with you to find answers. We are die hard soluÂtion findÂers, ready to explore every area, till all issues are resolved.
About the theraphy
WhatÂevÂer your faith or backÂground our doors are open to you, both litÂerÂalÂly and virÂtuÂalÂly. Our beauÂtiÂful church has serÂvices every day and is often open throughÂout the day for peoÂple to come and visÂit and sit in quiÂet reflecÂtion or to admire the stunÂning archiÂtecÂture of the buildÂing. You can also use our webÂsite to find out more about our work, what we have going on and details of peoÂple and organÂiÂsaÂtions to conÂtact if you need help or supÂport with anyÂthing.

What my trainees say