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Unlock Your Bank Account: Earn Big Bucks Through Amazon Reviews

make money through amazon reviews - Unlock Your Bank Account: Earn Big Bucks Through Amazon Reviews

Make money through amazon reviews in 2024

Unlock Your Bank Account: Earn Big Bucks Through Amazon Reviews

Make mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews by lever­ag­ing your exper­tise and turn­ing each review into a poten­tial income stream.


I. Intro­duc­tion

Make mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews – it’s eas­i­er than you think!

How Ama­zon Reviews Can Gen­er­ate Rev­enue:

Ama­zon reviews are more than just a way to share your thoughts on a prod­uct. They can also help you earn extra cash. By pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty, infor­ma­tive reviews, you can attract read­ers who may pur­chase the prod­ucts you rec­om­mend. This can lead to com­mis­sions from affil­i­ate pro­grams and even oppor­tu­ni­ties to sell your own prod­ucts. In this post, we’ll explore how to make mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews and pro­vide tips for writ­ing effec­tive, valu­able reviews that will res­onate with read­ers.

Top­ics Cov­ered in the Post:

This post cov­ers every­thing you need to know about mak­ing mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews. We’ll dis­cuss strate­gies for choos­ing a prof­itable niche, set­ting up your Ama­zon pro­file, research­ing com­peti­tor reviews, and writ­ing com­pelling con­tent that will engage read­ers and encour­age them to buy the prod­ucts you rec­om­mend. Addi­tion­al­ly, we’ll delve into mon­e­ti­za­tion strate­gies such as par­tic­i­pat­ing in affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing pro­grams, offer­ing con­sult­ing ser­vices, and devel­op­ing prod­ucts inspired by your reviews. Final­ly, we’ll address com­mon mis­takes to avoid when writ­ing Ama­zon reviews and answer fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about mak­ing mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews.

II. How to Start Mak­ing Mon­ey Through Ama­zon Reviews

A. Choose a Niche Mar­ket Relat­ed to Ama­zon Prod­ucts:

The first step in mak­ing mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews is select­ing a niche mar­ket rel­e­vant to Ama­zon prod­ucts. Look for areas where there is a demand for prod­ucts and where you have exper­tise or knowl­edge. For exam­ple, if you love fit­ness, you could choose to focus on work­out equip­ment, sup­ple­ments, or sports appar­el. By tar­get­ing a spe­cif­ic niche, you’ll be able to build a loy­al fol­low­ing of read­ers who trust your rec­om­men­da­tions and are more like­ly to pur­chase prod­ucts you endorse.

B. Set Up an Account on Ama­zon and Cre­ate Prod­uct Pro­files:

To begin writ­ing reviews, you’ll need to set up an account on Ama­zon. Once you’re logged in, nav­i­gate to the “Prod­ucts” sec­tion and find the items you want to review. Click on the prod­uct name to view its details page, which includes cus­tomer reviews, prod­uct descrip­tions, and pric­ing infor­ma­tion. You can then click “Write a Review” to sub­mit your own opin­ion on the prod­uct. Be sure to include detailed infor­ma­tion about the pro­duc­t’s fea­tures, per­for­mance, and over­all val­ue.

C. Research and Ana­lyze Com­peti­tors’ Reviews:

Before you write your own reviews, take some time to research and ana­lyze the reviews writ­ten by oth­ers. This will give you insight into what types of con­tent res­onates with read­ers and what strate­gies work best for gen­er­at­ing sales. Pay atten­tion to the tone, style, and for­mat of suc­cess­ful reviews, and con­sid­er incor­po­rat­ing sim­i­lar ele­ments into your own con­tent.

III. Tips for Writ­ing High Qual­i­ty Ama­zon Reviews

A. Be Hon­est and Objec­tive in Your Reviews:

One of the most impor­tant things to remem­ber when writ­ing Ama­zon reviews is to be hon­est and objec­tive. Read­ers trust your opin­ions because they believe you have their best inter­ests in mind. Always pro­vide accu­rate, unbi­ased infor­ma­tion about the prod­ucts you review, includ­ing both pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive aspects. This will help build cred­i­bil­i­ty and estab­lish you as a reli­able source of infor­ma­tion.

B. Pro­vide Spe­cif­ic Exam­ples and Per­son­al Expe­ri­ences:

To make your reviews more engag­ing and relat­able, include spe­cif­ic exam­ples and per­son­al expe­ri­ences relat­ed to the prod­ucts you’re review­ing. For instance, if you’re review­ing a new fit­ness track­er, describe how it helped you achieve your fit­ness goals or com­pare it to oth­er devices you’ve used in the past. Shar­ing your own expe­ri­ences can help read­ers under­stand how the prod­uct might ben­e­fit them and inspire them to make a pur­chase.

C. Use Descrip­tive Lan­guage and Clear Writ­ing Style:

Effec­tive reviews use descrip­tive lan­guage and clear, con­cise writ­ing styles. Avoid using jar­gon or tech­ni­cal terms that might con­fuse read­ers, and strive to cre­ate con­tent that is easy to read and under­stand. Use sim­ple sen­tences, active voice, and short para­graphs to keep your read­ers engaged and focused on the infor­ma­tion you’re shar­ing.

IV. Increas­ing Vis­i­bil­i­ty and Reach of Your Ama­zon Reviews

A. Uti­liz­ing Social Media Plat­forms to Pro­mote Your Reviews:

Social media plat­forms like Face­book, Twit­ter, and Insta­gram can be pow­er­ful tools for pro­mot­ing your Ama­zon reviews and reach­ing a wider audi­ence. Share links to your reviews on your social media pro­files, and con­sid­er cre­at­ing graph­ics or info­graph­ics that high­light key points from your con­tent. Encour­age your fol­low­ers to share your posts with their friends and fam­i­ly, and join rel­e­vant online com­mu­ni­ties where you can con­nect with poten­tial cus­tomers and fel­low review­ers.

B. Engag­ing with Oth­er Review­ers and Influ­encers:

Engag­ing with oth­er review­ers and influ­encers can help you expand your net­work and gain expo­sure for your Ama­zon reviews. Fol­low pop­u­lar blogs and web­sites in your niche, leave thought­ful com­ments on their arti­cles, and reach out to oth­er writ­ers via email or social media. Build­ing rela­tion­ships with oth­er experts in your field can lead to col­lab­o­ra­tions, guest post­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and increased vis­i­bil­i­ty for your reviews.

C. Lever­ag­ing Search Engine Opti­miza­tion Tech­niques:

Search engine opti­miza­tion (SEO) is cru­cial for dri­ving traf­fic to your Ama­zon reviews and improv­ing your search rank­ings. Use key­words relat­ed to the prod­ucts you’re review­ing through­out your con­tent, and opti­mize your title tags, meta descrip­tions, and image alt tags accord­ing­ly. Con­sid­er cre­at­ing a blog or web­site ded­i­cat­ed to your Ama­zon reviews, where you can pub­lish addi­tion­al con­tent and attract organ­ic traf­fic from search engines.

V. Mon­e­ti­za­tion Strate­gies for Your Ama­zon Reviews

A. Par­tic­i­pat­ing in Affil­i­ate Mar­ket­ing Pro­grams:

Affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing pro­grams allow you to earn com­mis­sions by pro­mot­ing prod­ucts on your web­site or social media chan­nels. Many com­pa­nies offer affil­i­ate pro­grams specif­i­cal­ly designed for Ama­zon review­ers, so be sure to research options that align with your niche and goals. When choos­ing an affil­i­ate pro­gram, look for part­ners that offer com­pet­i­tive com­mis­sion rates, reli­able track­ing sys­tems, and excel­lent cus­tomer sup­port.

B. Offer­ing Con­sult­ing Ser­vices Based on Your Reviews:

If you have exten­sive expe­ri­ence in your niche and a strong rep­u­ta­tion for pro­vid­ing valu­able reviews, you may want to con­sid­er offer­ing con­sult­ing ser­vices based on your insights. Help clients devel­op prod­uct ideas, improve exist­ing prod­ucts, or launch suc­cess­ful mar­ket­ing cam­paigns. By lever­ag­ing your exper­tise and con­nec­tions with­in your indus­try, you can gen­er­ate addi­tion­al income while help­ing busi­ness­es grow and suc­ceed.

C. Devel­op­ing Prod­ucts Inspired by Your Reviews:

Anoth­er way to mon­e­tize your Ama­zon reviews is by devel­op­ing prod­ucts inspired by the feed­back you receive from read­ers. For exam­ple, if you fre­quent­ly rec­om­mend cer­tain work­out acces­sories or sup­ple­ments, you could design your own line of prod­ucts based on these rec­om­men­da­tions. Sell your cre­ations through online mar­ket­places like Etsy or Ama­zon, and pro­mote them through your reviews and social media chan­nels.

VI. Com­mon Mis­takes to Avoid When Writ­ing Ama­zon Reviews

A. Not Dis­clos­ing Poten­tial Con­flicts of Inter­est:

It’s essen­tial to dis­close any poten­tial con­flicts of inter­est when writ­ing Ama­zon reviews. If you’re affil­i­at­ed with a com­pa­ny or brand men­tioned in your review, make this clear to your read­ers. Fail­ing to dis­close con­flicts of inter­est can dam­age your cred­i­bil­i­ty and harm the rep­u­ta­tion of your reviews.

B. Ignor­ing Cus­tomer Feed­back and Com­plaints:

To write effec­tive reviews, you must lis­ten to and learn from cus­tomer feed­back and com­plaints. Take the time to read and ana­lyze reviews left by oth­er cus­tomers, and incor­po­rate their insights into your own con­tent. This will help you iden­ti­fy areas where prod­ucts need improve­ment and ensure that your reviews are accu­rate and help­ful.

C. Overem­pha­siz­ing Pos­i­tive Aspects at the Expense of Neg­a­tives:

While it’s impor­tant to high­light the pos­i­tive aspects of the prod­ucts you review, don’t over­look neg­a­tive ele­ments or issues that read­ers should be aware of. Bal­anc­ing your con­tent and pre­sent­ing both pros and cons will help you main­tain your cred­i­bil­i­ty and build trust with your read­ers.

VII. FAQ Sec­tion

Answers to Com­mon Ques­tions About Mak­ing Mon­ey Through Ama­zon Reviews:

Q: How much mon­ey can I make through Ama­zon reviews?

A: The amount of mon­ey you can make through Ama­zon reviews depends on sev­er­al fac­tors, includ­ing the pop­u­lar­i­ty of your niche, the qual­i­ty of your con­tent, and your par­tic­i­pa­tion in affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing pro­grams or oth­er mon­e­ti­za­tion strate­gies. Some review­ers earn hun­dreds or even thou­sands of dol­lars per month, while oth­ers may only make a few extra bucks.

Q: Do I need to buy all the prod­ucts I review?

A: While it’s not nec­es­sary to pur­chase every prod­uct you review, doing so can pro­vide valu­able first­hand expe­ri­ence and insight that can enhance the qual­i­ty of your con­tent. How­ev­er, there are also many ways to obtain prod­ucts with­out mak­ing a pur­chase, such as receiv­ing free sam­ples, par­tic­i­pat­ing in give­aways, or bor­row­ing items from friends or fam­i­ly mem­bers.

Q: Can I get sued for writ­ing neg­a­tive reviews?

A: It’s rare for some­one to be sued for writ­ing a neg­a­tive review, but it’s always pos­si­ble that a busi­ness might take legal action against you if they believe your con­tent is defam­a­to­ry or dam­ag­ing to their rep­u­ta­tion. To min­i­mize risk, avoid using offen­sive lan­guage or mak­ing false claims about prod­ucts or com­pa­nies. Addi­tion­al­ly, be sure to dis­close any poten­tial con­flicts of inter­est and fol­low estab­lished guide­lines for review­ing prod­ucts on plat­forms like Ama­zon.

VIII. Con­clu­sion

Key Points:

In this post, we dis­cussed var­i­ous strate­gies for mak­ing mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews. We explored how to choose a prof­itable niche, set up your Ama­zon pro­file, research com­peti­tor reviews, and write engag­ing, infor­ma­tive con­tent that res­onates with read­ers. We also delved into mon­e­ti­za­tion tech­niques such as par­tic­i­pat­ing in affil­i­ate mar­ket­ing pro­grams, offer­ing con­sult­ing ser­vices, and devel­op­ing prod­ucts inspired by your reviews. Final­ly, we addressed com­mon mis­takes to avoid when writ­ing Ama­zon reviews and answered fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about mak­ing mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews. By imple­ment­ing these tips and best prac­tices, you can cre­ate a suc­cess­ful Ama­zon review strat­e­gy that gen­er­ates rev­enue and estab­lish­es you as a trust­ed source of infor­ma­tion for fel­low con­sumers.

Start Earn­ing Mon­ey Through Ama­zon Reviews:

With ded­i­ca­tion, hard work, and a com­mit­ment to cre­at­ing high-qual­i­ty con­tent, you can start earn­ing mon­ey through Ama­zon reviews today. Don’t hes­i­tate to explore new oppor­tu­ni­ties and expand your hori­zons – who knows what amaz­ing prod­ucts and expe­ri­ences await you on your jour­ney to suc­cess!


“Now that you’re all set to start mak­ing mon­ey through Ama­zon Reviews, why not treat your­self to some amaz­ing tools and resources that can help you along the way? We under­stand how impor­tant it is to have access to qual­i­ty prod­ucts and ser­vices that can sup­port your efforts and enhance your expe­ri­ence. That’s why we’re excit­ed to intro­duce you to our care­ful­ly curat­ed selec­tion of Affil­i­ate Prod­ucts – specif­i­cal­ly designed to com­ple­ment and enrich the con­tent of this arti­cle. By pro­vid­ing you with easy access to these fan­tas­tic prod­ucts, we hope to empow­er you even fur­ther on your jour­ney towards suc­cess and finan­cial free­dom. So go ahead and explore what we have to offer – we guar­an­tee that you won’t be dis­ap­point­ed!”


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FTC Compliance

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The fol­low­ing describes the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion Com­pli­ance for our GboyeTell Group web­site.

We make every effort at can­dor regard­ing any prod­ucts or ser­vices we use, rec­om­mend, or oth­er­wise make men­tion of at GboyeTell Group. We strive to clear­ly dif­fer­en­ti­ate between our own prod­ucts or ser­vices ver­sus those of third par­ties, to facil­i­tate inquiries, sup­port, and cus­tomer care. Like­wise, just as we (and any oth­er legit­i­mate busi­ness) may prof­it from the sale of our own prod­ucts or ser­vices, we may also prof­it from the sale of oth­ers’ prod­ucts or ser­vices (like any retail­er) at GboyeTell Group. Addi­tion­al­ly, wher­ev­er prod­ucts or ser­vices may give rise to income gen­er­a­tion, we endeav­or to pro­vide real­is­tic and fac­tu­al data, but high­light the fact that the vari­ables impact­ing results are so numer­ous and uncon­trol­lable that no guar­an­tees are in any way made. It is our goal to embrace the guide­lines and require­ments of the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion (FTC) for the ben­e­fit of all, and with that in mind pro­vide the fol­low­ing dis­clo­sures regard­ing com­pen­sa­tion and dis­claimer regard­ing earn­ings & income.

Note that mate­r­i­al con­nec­tions may not be made known at every sin­gle adver­tise­ment or affil­i­ate link. Thus, to be safe, you should sim­ply assume there is a mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion and that we may receive com­pen­sa­tion in mon­ey or oth­er­wise for any­thing you pur­chase as a result of vis­it­ing this web­site, and also that we may be paid mere­ly by you click­ing any link.


One or more par­ties affil­i­at­ed or asso­ci­at­ed with our GboyeTell Group web­site in some way may be an Amazon.com affil­i­ate. This means that links to prod­ucts on Amazon.com, as well as reviews lead­ing to pur­chas­es, can result in a com­mis­sion being earned. Again, dis­clo­sure of this mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion and the poten­tial for com­pen­sa­tion may not be made at every sin­gle pos­si­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty. To be safe, sim­ply assume there is a mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion and poten­tial for com­pen­sa­tion at all times. While this does not imply skewed or undu­ly biased reviews, full dis­clo­sure calls for this warn­ing.


You should assume that we may be com­pen­sat­ed for pur­chas­es of prod­ucts or ser­vices men­tioned on this GboyeTell Group web­site that are not cre­at­ed, owned, licensed, or oth­er­wise mate­ri­al­ly con­trolled by us. Stat­ed dif­fer­ent­ly, while most peo­ple obvi­ous­ly under­stand that indi­vid­u­als make a liv­ing by way of the prof­it that remains after the costs asso­ci­at­ed with pro­vid­ing their prod­uct or ser­vice are cov­ered, at least the­o­ret­i­cal­ly there may be some­one out there who does not under­stand that a third par­ty can “affil­i­ate” some­one else’s prod­ucts or ser­vices and be com­pen­sat­ed by the prod­uct or ser­vice creator/owner for help­ing spread the word about their offer­ing. Just com­pare it to retail­ers. They sel­dom pro­duce any­thing, but rather make their mon­ey con­nect­ing prod­uct and ser­vice cre­ators with end users.


Hav­ing said that, you can­not count on any­one look­ing after your inter­ests but you. So, you ought to always do your own research into var­i­ous offers and oppor­tu­ni­ties, to the extent that leaves you com­fort­able, doing your own due dili­gence pri­or to mak­ing any pur­chase of any prod­uct or ser­vice from this GboyeTell Group web­site or any oth­er. Here is a great set of guide­lines for you to keep in mind:

First, just always oper­ate from the posi­tion that any web­site pro­pri­etor, includ­ing us at GboyeTell Group, will have a mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion to the prod­uct or ser­vice provider, and may be com­pen­sat­ed as a result of your pur­chase, unless express­ly stat­ed oth­er­wise. Aside from your pur­chas­es, note that even you actions could result in earn­ings for this web­site. For instance, there could be ads dis­played on this GboyeTell Group web­site that we are com­pen­sat­ed for dis­play­ing when­ev­er a web­site vis­i­tor clicks on them.

Sec­ond, to the extent that we have every inter­est in pos­i­tive­ly fur­ther­ing our busi­ness rela­tion­ship with you, we cer­tain­ly desire to share only those offer­ings that we believe will ben­e­fit you. Just because we are not the founder or orig­i­na­tor of the prod­uct or ser­vice, we are not going to with­hold knowl­edge of this offer­ing from you. If you can get some ben­e­fit from it, regard­less of whether or not you’ve tak­en advan­tage of our own prod­ucts and/or ser­vices, we want you to do well. Thus, we make a good faith effort to only present to you items that we either per­son­al­ly use, have actu­al­ly tried, or else have faith in the rep­u­ta­tion of the provider or con­cept. You can count on us mak­ing this deter­mi­na­tion based on all rel­e­vant and applic­a­ble infor­ma­tion at the time of the rec­om­men­da­tion.

Third, despite the fact that it would be coun­ter­pro­duc­tive to men­tion prod­ucts or ser­vices that you’ll find dis­ap­point­ing or infe­ri­or, not only are peo­ple dif­fer­ent, but it’s also pos­si­ble for us to have a lapse in judg­ment. Thus, to be extra cau­tious, even if you believe in our good faith motives, you may as well go ahead and keep in mind that we could be at least par­tial­ly influ­enced by the mon­e­ti­za­tion fac­tor of list­ing var­i­ous prod­ucts or ser­vices on our GboyeTell Group web­site. Fur­ther­more, in that vein, the real­i­ty is that there are some­times oth­er con­nec­tions between par­ties that are not mon­e­tary, such as per­son­al cap­i­tal, good­will, or oth­er­wise, that could be an under­ly­ing under­cur­rent sway­ing the deci­sion to pro­mote a par­tic­u­lar offer­ing. Due to this hypo­thet­i­cal pos­si­bil­i­ty, you should again sim­ply nor rely sole­ly on what we have to say, but rather just form your own inde­pen­dent opin­ion just to be safe. Final­ly, bear in mind that we might also receive free prod­ucts or ser­vices, gifts, or review copies of items too.


Tes­ti­mo­ni­als regard­ing the out­come or per­for­mance of using any prod­uct or ser­vice are pro­vid­ed to embell­ish your under­stand­ing of the offer­ing. While great effort is made to ensure that they are fac­tu­al­ly hon­est, we at GboyeTell Group are not liable for errors and omis­sions. Aside from human error, some infor­ma­tion may be pro­vid­ed by third par­ties, such as cus­tomers or product/service providers. The best results are not uncom­mon­ly cor­re­lat­ed with the best efforts, dis­ci­pline, dili­gence, and so on, and thus the results depict­ed can­not, in any way, be con­strued as com­mon, typ­i­cal, expect­ed, nor­mal, or asso­ci­at­ed with the aver­age user’s expe­ri­ence with any giv­en prod­uct or ser­vice. Excep­tion­al results may be depict­ed by our web­site as high­lights, but you are respon­si­ble for under­stand­ing that atyp­i­cal out­comes may not reflect your expe­ri­ence. Aside from mar­ket con­di­tions, prod­ucts and ser­vices change over time. Old­er prod­ucts may lose effec­tive­ness. New­er prod­ucts may not have a reli­able track record.

Where prod­ucts or ser­vices might per­tain to earn­ing mon­ey, the same safe­guards about use of tes­ti­mo­ni­als apply. Addi­tion­al­ly, note that any relat­ed income fig­ures are high­ly spe­cif­ic to the indi­vid­ual or enti­ty that pro­duced those results, and there can be no assur­ance that you will be able to lever­age the same, or sim­i­lar, prod­ucts or ser­vices to achieve com­pa­ra­ble results. The results, though real, may be the result of the con­fla­tion of a num­ber of favor­able cir­cum­stances that would be dif­fi­cult to repli­cate, and so you must pro­ceed with the knowl­edge that your out­come can dif­fer from any shared on our web­site.

Pro­fes­sion­al Con­sul­ta­tion

Many prod­ucts and ser­vices are designed to solve prob­lems. Com­mon prob­lem areas include legal, finan­cial, and med­ical. We are in no way pur­port­ing to coun­sel you on issues relat­ed law, finances, or health. If you require guid­ance in these are­nas, you should con­sid­er secur­ing your own coun­sel from lawyers, accoun­tants, tax pro­fes­sion­als, invest­ment advi­sors, or med­ical pro­fes­sion­als before tak­ing any action. Noth­ing we may ever com­mu­ni­cate at GboyeTell Group, in print or spo­ken word, will ever be intend­ed to con­sti­tute any such coun­sel, as we do not claim to be pro­fes­sion­als in any of those dis­ci­plines. You assume all risk for actions tak­en, loss­es incurred, dam­ages sus­tained, or oth­er issues stem­ming from your use of any prod­uct or ser­vice in any way con­nect­ed with or men­tioned on this web­site. Indeed, such deci­sion is sole­ly your own, or else deter­mined in con­junc­tion with the pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance of the advi­sor of your choos­ing.

Use Of Prod­ucts & Ser­vices

The fol­low­ing are facts you should be advised of if you intend to take advan­tage of any prod­ucts or ser­vices:

The price paid for prod­ucts and ser­vices change over time. Even the prices of sta­ples and basic com­modi­ties change, and there are many fac­tors such as sup­ply and demand, sales and oth­er cus­tomer acqui­si­tion incen­tives, and more. Price, and val­ue, can be quite rel­a­tive. Tech­nol­o­gy, inno­va­tions, prod­uct improve­ments, mar­ket pen­e­tra­tion, and numer­ous oth­er fac­tors all weigh in. It is impos­si­ble to define the “right” price for any prod­uct and ser­vice. Will­ing buy­ers and will­ing sell­ers deter­mine price at any giv­en time. You accept the fact that your pur­chase reflects your own attri­bu­tion of val­ue at the time of pur­chase, and that the price may increase or decrease in the future.

The out­come you expe­ri­ence is depen­dent upon many fac­tors. Apti­tude and atti­tude go a long way towards suc­cess with prod­ucts and ser­vices in vir­tu­al­ly any niche, whether fit­ness or mak­ing mon­ey. Cir­cum­stances, expe­ri­ence, innate abil­i­ties, per­son­al­i­ty, edu­ca­tion, time com­mit­ments, and per­se­ver­ance are just a few fac­tors. Giv­en the smor­gas­bord of inter­re­lat­ed vari­ables, there is no way to rea­son­ably pre­dict your spe­cif­ic out­come with any degree of reli­a­bil­i­ty or cer­tain­ty.

Income-Pro­duc­ing Prod­ucts & Ser­vices

Income-pro­duc­ing prod­ucts & ser­vices are like­wise sub­ject to the above cau­tions. In addi­tion, how­ev­er, there are addi­tion­al fac­tors we like to point out at GboyeTell Group. Unlike weight loss prod­ucts or self-help mate­ri­als, income-pro­duc­ing meth­ods are influ­enced by the over­all health of the econ­o­my in which one oper­ates. In times of liq­uid­i­ty, mon­ey flows freely and com­merce is eas­i­er. In times of per­ceived scarci­ty, fear, reces­sion, depres­sion, or oth­er­wise, com­merce is stymied. Results can be influ­enced by mar­ket sen­ti­ment, just as the stock mar­ket indices around the world are swayed heav­i­ly on news.

Income-pro­duc­ing prod­ucts & ser­vices pur­chased should be viewed as just that – pur­chas­es. Though they can be invest­ments in one’s busi­ness, it is not unrea­son­able to expect that there may not be an express return on that invest­ment, per se. Often, busi­ness suc­cess is the con­ver­gence of a num­ber of fac­tors, meth­ods, strate­gies, and so on. It can be hard to peg suc­cess to one method or machi­na­tion. This does not nec­es­sar­i­ly under­mine val­ue of any giv­en prod­uct or ser­vice, as it can have an addi­tive effect. Or, it may have no effect. Since it can be dif­fi­cult to tell, you should oper­ate on the assump­tion that your out­come could be zero. We make no guar­an­tees and you should only risk what you can afford to lose on any pur­chas­es on or through GboyeTell Group.

Earn­ing & Income

In light of all of the fac­tors above, imping­ing on the very nature of income-pro­duc­ing prod­ucts and ser­vices, there is no way to guar­an­tee results of any kind what­so­ev­er. Accord­ing­ly, we affir­ma­tive­ly declare that we make no guar­an­tees as to your earn­ings & income of any kind, at any time.

As with any busi­ness endeav­or or invest­ment, past per­for­mance is no guar­an­tee or pre­dic­tor of future per­for­mance. Any tes­ti­mo­ni­als or oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tions of results are for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es only and, though every effort is made to ensure they’re fac­tu­al­ly hon­est, they are not intend­ed to imply or insin­u­ate what is like­ly to hap­pen with you. Your reliance on them as such is not advised.

It should be not­ed that “earn­ings & income” is so phrased with spe­cif­ic intent. While income may typ­i­fy the earn­ings most either seek or are accus­tomed to, earn­ings can come in non-mon­e­tary forms. These include some forms that are abstract or intan­gi­ble, and thus not even read­i­ly con­vert­ed to cur­ren­cy or a com­mon medi­um of exchange. Thus, note that all man­ner of com­pen­sa­tion, includ­ing earn­ings of a non-income yet nev­er­the­less ben­e­fi­cial form, are cov­ered by these pro­vi­sions.

Affil­i­ates & Oth­er Third Par­ties

It should also be not­ed that we only have con­trol over, and thus only accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for, the con­tent of this GboyeTell Group web­site authored by us. Any rep­re­sen­ta­tions made by oth­ers should be con­sid­ered pri­ma facie unau­tho­rized. You may also read, hear, or oth­er­wise come into con­tact with com­men­tary about any of our prod­ucts & ser­vices or offer­ings, and should assume those have like­wise not been autho­rized.

While infor­ma­tion, in any form, can arise, at any time, regard­ing our prod­ucts & ser­vices, there may be times when this results from an affil­i­ate rela­tion­ship. In oth­er words, we may per­mit our prod­ucts & ser­vices to be mar­ket­ed through oth­er indi­vid­u­als, busi­ness­es, web­sites, and oth­er­wise, just as providers of goods and ser­vices use retail­ers and oth­er ven­dors to make avail­able what they offer.

You should not con­strue a third-par­ty offer as an endorse­ment by that third par­ty of any prod­uct or ser­vice. You should, more con­ser­v­a­tive­ly, view it as an offer to buy some­thing. Like­wise, as allud­ed to pre­vi­ous­ly, note that we can­not ful­ly con­trol all mar­ket­ing prac­tices by all par­ties. With the use of “mir­ror” sites, indi­rect or unau­tho­rized affil­i­ates, “tiered” affil­i­ate struc­tures, and so on, polic­ing the world wide web with any mod­icum of thor­ough­ness is unlike­ly. We make rea­son­able efforts to ensure our affil­i­ates com­ply with our poli­cies and rep­re­sent our prod­ucts & ser­vices con­sis­tent with our guide­lines. How­ev­er, at GboyeTell Group we can­not always guar­an­tee they will do so. You are always free to report con­cerns or abus­es via our Con­tact infor­ma­tion.

Cus­tomer Care

Last, but not least, please note that our role in brief­ing you on prod­ucts and ser­vices oth­er than our own is sim­ply as a “match­mak­er.” We do not pro­vide any sup­port or cus­tomer ser­vice for those items and you should always con­tact the own­er or provider of those prod­ucts or ser­vices to have any and all ques­tions answered to your sat­is­fac­tion before pur­chas­ing.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by GboyeTell Group, in order to pro­tect you and our GboyeTell Group web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at GboyeTell Group have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on GboyeTell Group for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect vio­la­tors.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://gboyetell.com

Privacy Policy

GboyeTell Group Legal Office Facade Banner

The fol­low­ing describes the Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy for GboyeTell Group web­site.

Your Pri­va­cy

Your pri­va­cy is impor­tant to us. To bet­ter pro­tect your pri­va­cy we pro­vide this notice explain­ing our online infor­ma­tion prac­tices and the choic­es you can make about the way your infor­ma­tion is col­lect­ed and used. You agree to agree to these poli­cies by virtue of using our web­site in a way that leads to you pro­vid­ing us with per­son­al infor­ma­tion.

State Law & Accom­pa­ny­ing Rights

Please under­stand that you may have addi­tion­al rights orig­i­nat­ing from State laws based on where you live. These State-based rights may aug­ment, strength­en, or oth­er­wise some­how com­pli­ment any pri­va­cy rights you have inher­ent­ly or under Fed­er­al law. Our pol­i­cy is to com­ply ful­ly with the pri­va­cy poli­cies of every juris­dic­tion in which we oper­ate. Accord­ing­ly, you are free to use our Con­tact infor­ma­tion to reach us at any time to assert any State rights.

Our Com­mit­ment To Children’s Pri­va­cy

Pro­tect­ing the pri­va­cy of the very young is espe­cial­ly impor­tant. For that rea­son, our web­site will nev­er col­lect or main­tain infor­ma­tion at our web­site from those we actu­al­ly know are under 18, and no part of our web­site is struc­tured to attract any­one under 18.

Under our Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use, chil­dren under 18 are not allowed to use our web­site and access our ser­vices. It is not our inten­tion to offer prod­ucts or ser­vices to minors.

Google Ana­lyt­ics

GboyeTell Group uses Google Ana­lyt­ics to help analyse how users use the site. The tool uses “cook­ies,” which are text files placed on your com­put­er, to col­lect stan­dard Inter­net log infor­ma­tion and vis­i­tor behav­iour infor­ma­tion in an anony­mous form. The infor­ma­tion gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie about your use of the web­site (includ­ing your IP address) is trans­mit­ted to Google. This infor­ma­tion is then used to eval­u­ate vis­i­tors’ use of this web­site and to com­pile sta­tis­ti­cal reports on web­site activ­i­ty.

We will nev­er (and will not allow any third par­ty to) use the sta­tis­ti­cal ana­lyt­ics tool to track or to col­lect any Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion of vis­i­tors to our site. Google will not asso­ciate your IP address with any oth­er data held by Google. Nei­ther we nor Google will link, or seek to link, an IP address with the iden­ti­ty of a com­put­er user.

You may refuse the use of cook­ies by select­ing the appro­pri­ate set­tings on your brows­er, how­ev­er please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­al­i­ty of this web­site. By using this web­site, you con­sent to the pro­cess­ing of data about you by Google in the man­ner and for the pur­pos­es set out above.

Oth­er Col­lec­tion of Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion

When vis­it­ing our web­site, the IP address used to access our web­site may be logged along with the dates and times of access. This infor­ma­tion is pure­ly used to ana­lyze trends, admin­is­ter our web­site, track users move­ment, and gath­er broad demo­graph­ic infor­ma­tion for inter­nal use such as sta­tis­ti­cal assess­ments and web­site improve­ment. Most impor­tant­ly, any record­ed IP address­es are not linked to per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion.

Oth­er infor­ma­tion may be col­lect­ed as well, which is rather typ­i­cal of most web­sites. For instance, the source that referred you to our web­site is gen­er­al­ly known. Like­wise, your dura­tion on our web­site, and your des­ti­na­tion when you leave our web­site can also be tracked. Oth­er com­mon data col­lect­ed includes the type of oper­at­ing sys­tem the com­put­er you are using to access our web­site has. Sim­i­lar­ly, the type of web brows­er is often not­ed. Again, this is com­mon data col­lec­tion, and helps ulti­mate­ly pro­duce a bet­ter end-user expe­ri­ence.

Cook­ies are anoth­er com­mon inter­net prac­tice. Cook­ies are a key means of improv­ing user expe­ri­ence by allows us to cus­tomize your use of our web­site. Sim­ple infor­ma­tion is trans­ferred to your com­put­er to allow the con­tent and expe­ri­ence to reflect your actions, pref­er­ences, and so on. You should sim­ply make the assump­tion our web­site uses cook­ies, and note that you are free to make adjust­ments in your web brows­er to dis­able these or oth­er­wise receive noti­fi­ca­tion of cook­ies so you can take what­ev­er desired action you so choose. Please under­stand that refus­ing cook­ies may crip­ple some of our web­site fea­tures and ren­der some aspects use­less to you.

At times, you will be ful­ly aware of infor­ma­tion received, as you are the direct source pro­vid­ing it. For instance, you may com­ment on a blog post, reply to an email (whether broad­cast mes­sage or autore­spon­der), pro­vide an email address, com­plete a sur­vey, requests SMS, or oth­er­wise. Like­wise, pur­chas­es nec­es­sar­i­ly involve col­lect­ing cer­tain infor­ma­tion, such as cred­it card infor­ma­tion, Pay­pal address­es, your phys­i­cal address for billing and/or ship­ping, phone num­ber, and so on. Refus­ing to pro­vide some of this infor­ma­tion may lead to us being unable to pro­vide you with the prod­ucts or ser­vices you’ve request­ed.

A prime exam­ple of lim­it­ed access to our web­site is where con­tent may be pro­tect­ed by a user­name and pass­word. Whether a user­name and pass­word is gen­er­at­ed by our web­site, or cre­at­ed by you, these will almost always be con­nect­ed with some oth­er infor­ma­tion relat­ed to or con­nect­ed with you. This is true since much con­tent that is pro­tect­ed on the inter­net is sub­scrip­tion based, often paid for. Thus, the user­name and pass­word must nec­es­sar­i­ly be tied to your oth­er account data. User­names and pass­words, by their very nature, should be kept pri­vate.

Han­dling of Per­son­al Infor­ma­tion

Note that any per­son­al infor­ma­tion you pro­vide to oth­ers apart from us or our ven­dors is whol­ly option­al. As an exam­ple, you might dis­close some­thing in a blog post com­ment. That “pri­vate” infor­ma­tion is now “pub­lic,” and we have no con­trol over that. In like fash­ion, you shar­ing infor­ma­tion with any oth­er third par­ty not func­tion­ing as a ser­vice provider to us puts that infor­ma­tion beyond our con­trol and becomes sub­ject to the pol­i­cy that par­ty has in place.

Our pri­ma­ry inten­tion for col­lect­ing per­son­al and pri­vate infor­ma­tion from you is sim­ply to con­duct our busi­ness. We can use this inter­nal­ly to bet­ter serve you. Accord­ing­ly, we see no rea­son to share your per­son­al infor­ma­tion to oth­er par­ties and out­side inter­ests unless you have autho­rized us to do so.

Of course, there are instances where your infor­ma­tion is stored with third par­ty ser­vice providers, such as email ser­vice providers, as they pro­vide ser­vices that are indus­try-lead­ing in qual­i­ty and secu­ri­ty and are far more ben­e­fi­cial to our end user than attempt­ing such ser­vices “in-house.” How­ev­er, you are nev­er required to deal with any such third par­ty direct­ly, they are lim­it­ed in how they use your infor­ma­tion, and they can­not sell or trans­fer it to oth­ers in any way.

How­ev­er, of course, your infor­ma­tion does com­prise part of an over­all whole. This aggre­gate of infor­ma­tion, by con­trast, may be used to under­stand our over­all user base. Fur­ther, we may share this infor­ma­tion about our web­site vis­i­tors as a whole, not indi­vid­u­al­ly, with third par­ties for var­i­ous pur­pos­es, in our sole dis­cre­tion.

While we are staunch pri­va­cy advo­cates, there are times when even we may be forced to aban­don these ideals. Just as major search engines face ongo­ing com­pul­sion to pro­vide data against their will, so too may the same occur with our web­site. Ille­gal activ­i­ty or oth­er seri­ous acts or alle­ga­tions could cre­ate legal lia­bil­i­ty for our web­site. In those cas­es, we reserve the right to share your infor­ma­tion, or else may sim­ply be com­pelled to do so by law.

On the oth­er hand, there may be times when we would need to share your pri­vate infor­ma­tion in order to pro­tect our own inter­ests. For instance, in cas­es of sus­pect­ed or alleged copy­right infringe­ment or oth­er intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty vio­la­tions, it may be nec­es­sary to share per­son­al infor­ma­tion.

Google Adsense and the Dou­bleClick DART Cook­ie

Google, as a third par­ty adver­tise­ment ven­dor, may use cook­ies to serve ads on this web­site. The use of DART cook­ies by Google enables them to serve adverts to vis­i­tors that are based on their vis­its to this web­site, includ­ing past vis­its, as well as oth­er web­sites on the inter­net.

To opt out of the DART cook­ies you may vis­it the Google ad and con­tent net­work pri­va­cy pol­i­cy at the fol­low­ing url http://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html Track­ing of users through the DART cook­ie mech­a­nisms are sub­ject to Google’s own pri­va­cy poli­cies.

Oth­er Third Par­ty ad servers or ad net­works may also use cook­ies to track users activ­i­ties on this web­site to mea­sure adver­tise­ment effec­tive­ness and oth­er rea­sons that will be pro­vid­ed in their own pri­va­cy poli­cies, our web­site has no access or con­trol over these cook­ies that may be used by third par­ty adver­tis­ers. How­ev­er, you can opt out of some, though like­ly not all, of these cook­ies in one easy loca­tion at http://ww.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp

Links to Third Par­ty Web­sites

We have includ­ed links on this web­site for your use and ref­er­ence. We are not respon­si­ble for the pri­va­cy poli­cies on these web­sites. You should be aware that the pri­va­cy poli­cies of these web­sites may dif­fer from our own.

Com­ments Pol­i­cy

As you know, Web 2.0 is all about the con­ver­sa­tion. But with­out a few sim­ple ground rules, that con­ver­sa­tion can turn into a shout­ing match that dis­cour­ages oth­ers from enter­ing into the fray.

So here is GboyeTell Group com­ments pol­i­cy. By post­ing on my blog, you agree to the fol­low­ing:

You may com­ment with­out reg­is­ter­ing. You can log-in via Dis­qus, OpenID, Twit­ter, Facebook—or not at all. It’s up to you. You may post anony­mous­ly. I don’t rec­om­mend this, but you may do so if you wish. I may change this rule if it is abused.

You may post fol­low-up ques­tions. If you have a ques­tion, chances are you are not alone. Oth­ers are like­ly think­ing sim­i­lar­ly. There­fore, I would rather receive your com­ments on GboyeTell Group than via email. It is a bet­ter use of my time to address every­one at once rather than answer sev­er­al sim­i­lar emails.

You may dis­agree with me. I wel­come debate. How­ev­er, I ask that if you dis­agree with me—or any­one else, for that matter—do so in a way that is respect­ful. In my opin­ion, there is way too much shout­ing in the pub­lic square to tol­er­ate it here.

GboyeTell Group reserves the right to delete your com­ments. This is my blog. I don’t have an oblig­a­tion to pub­lish your com­ments. The First Amend­ment gives you the right to express your opin­ions on your blog not mine.

Specif­i­cal­ly, I will delete your com­ments if you post some­thing that is, in my sole opin­ion, (a)snarky; (b) off-top­ic; © libelous, defam­a­to­ry, abu­sive, harass­ing, threat­en­ing, pro­fane, porno­graph­ic, offen­sive, false, mis­lead­ing, or which oth­er­wise vio­lates or encour­ages oth­ers to vio­late my sense of deco­rum and civil­i­ty or any law, includ­ing intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty laws; or (d) “spam,” i.e., an attempt to adver­tise, solic­it, or oth­er­wise pro­mote goods and ser­vices. You may, how­ev­er, post a link to your site or your most recent blog post.

You retain own­er­ship of your com­ments. I do not own them and I express­ly dis­claim any and all lia­bil­i­ty that may result from them. By com­ment­ing on my site, you agree that you retain all own­er­ship rights in what you post here and that you will relieve me from any and all lia­bil­i­ty that may result from those post­ings.

You grant GboyeTell Group a license to post your com­ments. This license is world­wide, irrev­o­ca­ble, non-exclu­sive, and roy­al­ty-free. You grant me the right to store, use, trans­mit, dis­play, pub­lish, repro­duce, and dis­trib­ute your com­ments in any for­mat, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to a blog, in a book, a video, or pre­sen­ta­tion.

In short, my goal is to host inter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tions with car­ing, hon­est, and respect­ful peo­ple. I believe this sim­ple com­ments pol­i­cy will facil­i­tate this.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by GboyeTell Group, in order to pro­tect you and our GboyeTell Group web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at GboyeTell Group have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on GboyeTell Group for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect vio­la­tors.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://gboyetell.com

DMCA Compliance

GboyeTell Group Legal Office Facade Banner

The fol­low­ing describes the DMCA Com­pli­ance for our GboyeTell Group web­site.

We at GboyeTell Group are com­mit­ted to respond­ing to any alleged copy­right vio­la­tions, should they occur. Notice of any alleged vio­la­tion should take the form pro­posed by the U.S. Dig­i­tal Mil­len­ni­um Copy­right Act as revealed at http://www.copyright.gov.


If any mate­r­i­al infringes on the copy­right of any offend­ed par­ty, we may remove the con­tent from GboyeTell Group, pre­vent access to it, ter­mi­nate or block access for those respon­si­ble for the con­tent, and/or any oth­er action deemed appro­pri­ate. We may also pass along record of the inci­dent for doc­u­men­ta­tion and/or pub­li­ca­tion by third par­ties at our dis­cre­tion.

Not Legal Advice/No Attor­ney-Client Rela­tion­ship

If you believe your rights have been vio­lat­ed, it can be a seri­ous mat­ter. This DMCA notice exists sole­ly to effec­tu­ate our efforts, as web­site own­ers, to pre­vent and elim­i­nate infringe­ment on intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights. It is no sub­sti­tute for the assis­tance of com­pe­tent legal coun­sel. Oth­er reme­dies and action, such as against an inter­net ser­vice provider (ISP), may exist. You may wish to seek legal help imme­di­ate­ly.


For your con­ve­nience and to speed res­o­lu­tion, notice of alleged infringe­ment may be ten­dered to GboyeTell Group via email, using the email address and/or con­tact infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on this web­site. We warn that you will be liable for any and all statu­to­ry and com­mon law dam­ages, as well as court costs and attor­ney fees, if you fal­si­fy a claim that your copy­rights have been vio­lat­ed. Six fig­ure awards have already been grant­ed for bogus com­plaints, so seek­ing the help of com­pe­tent coun­sel is advised.

Assum­ing you still wish to assert copy­right vio­la­tion, you should pro­vide the fol­low­ing to speed up the process:

STEP 1. Iden­ti­fy in ade­quate detail the copy­right­ed item you believe has been vio­lat­ed, by pro­vid­ing the URL to the pro­tect­ed work, ISBN#, or oth­er­wise.
STEP 2. Iden­ti­fy the URL of the web­page that you assert is infring­ing the copy­right­ed work list­ed in item #1 above.
STEP 3. Pro­vide con­tact infor­ma­tion for your­self (email address is pre­ferred, phone is sug­gest­ed).
STEP 4. Pro­vide infor­ma­tion suf­fi­cient to allow us to noti­fy the owner/administrator of the alleged­ly infring­ing web­page or oth­er con­tent such as a blog or forum post­ing (email address is pre­ferred).
STEP 5. Include the fol­low­ing state­ment: “I have a good faith belief that use of the copy­right­ed mate­ri­als described above as alleged­ly infring­ing is not autho­rized by the copy­right own­er, its agent, or the law.”
STEP 6. Include the fol­low­ing state­ment: “I swear, under penal­ty of per­jury, that the infor­ma­tion in the noti­fi­ca­tion is accu­rate and that I am the copy­right own­er or am autho­rized to act on behalf of the own­er of an exclu­sive right that is alleged­ly infringed.”
STEP 7. Dig­i­tal­ly sign your affir­ma­tion.


Note that the par­ty rep­re­sent­ing the affect­ed web­site or provider of con­tent can issue a counter-noti­fi­ca­tion under sec­tions 512(g)(2) and (3) of the Dig­i­tal Mil­len­ni­um Copy­right Act, and so we may again post or link to the con­tent in that case.
For your con­ve­nience, counter noti­fi­ca­tion may be ten­dered via email, using the email address and/or con­tact infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on this web­site. We warn that you will be liable for any and all statu­to­ry and com­mon law dam­ages, as well as court costs and attor­ney fees, if you fal­si­fy a claim that oth­ers’ copy­rights have NOT been vio­lat­ed

Assum­ing you still wish to file a counter-notice, you should pro­vide the fol­low­ing to speed up the process:

STEP 1. Iden­ti­fy the spe­cif­ic URLs or oth­er unique iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of mate­r­i­al that we have removed or dis­abled access to.
STEP 2. Pro­vide your name, address, tele­phone num­ber, email address, and a state­ment that you con­sent to the juris­dic­tion of Fed­er­al Dis­trict Court for the judi­cial dis­trict in which your address is locat­ed, and that you will accept ser­vice of process from the per­son who pro­vid­ed noti­fi­ca­tion under sub­sec­tion ©(1)© or an agent of such per­son.
STEP 3. Include the fol­low­ing state­ment: “I swear, under penal­ty of per­jury, that I have a good faith belief that each item of con­tent iden­ti­fied above was removed or dis­abled as a result of a mis­take or misiden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the mate­r­i­al to be removed or dis­abled, or that the mate­r­i­al iden­ti­fied by the com­plainant has been removed or dis­abled at the URL iden­ti­fied and will no longer be shown.”
STEP 4. Dig­i­tal­ly sign the affir­ma­tion.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by GboyeTell Group, in order to pro­tect you and our GboyeTell Group web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at GboyeTell Group have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on GboyeTell Group for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect vio­la­tors.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://gboyetell.com