The fol­low­ing describes the Social Media Dis­clo­sure for our GboyeTell Group web­site.

Social Media Issue

We live in an inter­est­ing time when pri­va­cy rights are cham­pi­oned along­side an unprece­dent­ed vol­un­tary will­ing­ness of peo­ple to share their most inti­mate and super­flu­ous life details with the world, even in places such as our GboyeTell Group web­site. While appar­ent­ly benign on the sur­face, the dan­gers of unre­strained pub­lic dis­clo­sure of sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion is begin­ning to sur­face.

Key social media play­ers are being sued for unau­tho­rized or abu­sive use/misuse of per­son­al infor­ma­tion. Fail­ure to pro­tect and warn are like­ly going to be focal fac­tors. Law­suits are filed seek­ing dam­ages for state­ments held to be respon­si­ble for peo­ple’s death or sui­cide. Blog­gers pre­sum­ing to oper­ate under an unfet­tered free­dom of speech or greater lat­i­tude offered to mem­bers of the press are los­ing civ­il cas­es for defama­tion, slan­der, libel, and so on.

As social media rapid­ly advances to allow more tech­no­log­i­cal­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed and easy dis­sem­i­na­tion, the simul­ta­ne­ous fall­out of rev­e­la­tion with­out bound­aries is mount­ing. Thus, a sober approach to the ben­e­fits of social media, while side­step­ping the per­ils of impru­dent dis­clo­sure, can facil­i­tate an enjoy­able online expe­ri­ence, with­out the con­se­quences of excess, in set­tings such as our own GboyeTell Group web­site.

Presence/Scope of Social Media

You should assume that social media is in use on our GboyeTell Group web­site. A sim­ple click of a but­ton to endorse a per­son, prod­uct, or ser­vice is build­ing a cumu­la­tive pro­file about you, which you should always assume can be dis­cov­ered by oth­ers. Attempt­ing to share a web­site with some­one, whether by direct press of a but­ton or else by email for­ward­ing facil­i­tat­ed on a web­site, you should assume that this may not stop with the intend­ed recip­i­ent, and that this can gen­er­ate infor­ma­tion about you that could be seen by a ver­i­ta­ble infi­nite num­ber of peo­ple. Such a domi­no effect could ini­ti­ate right here on our GboyeTell Group web­site.

Some­thing as sim­ple as a blog com­ment pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty for knee-jerk reac­tions that can become pub­lic and may not tru­ly rep­re­sent a posi­tion (at least in strength or sever­i­ty) that you might hold after a peri­od of more rea­soned con­tem­pla­tion. You should also note that the ease of access­ing one site through the login cre­den­tials of anoth­er, or the use of a glob­al login for access to mul­ti­ple sites can accu­mu­late a dossier on you and your online behav­ior that may reveal more infor­ma­tion to unin­tend­ed par­ties than you might real­ize or want. Any or all of these fea­tures could exist on our GboyeTell Group web­site at one time or anoth­er.

These few exam­ples illus­trate some pos­si­ble ways that social media can exist, though it is not an exhaus­tive list and new tech­nolo­gies will ren­der this list out­dat­ed quick­ly. The objec­tive is to real­ize the reach of social media, its wide­spread pres­ence on web­sites in var­i­ous forms (includ­ing this web­site), and devel­op a respon­si­ble approach to using it.

Pro­tect­ing Oth­ers

You should rec­og­nize the fact that divul­gences made in and on social media plat­forms on this web­site and oth­ers are rarely con­strained just to you. Dis­clo­sures are com­mon­ly made about group mat­ters that nec­es­sar­i­ly affect and impact oth­er peo­ple. Oth­er dis­clo­sures are express­ly about third par­ties, some­times with lit­tle dis­cre­tion. What can appear fun­ny in one moment can be trag­ic in the next. And a sub­tle “pub­lic” retal­i­a­tion can have life­time reper­cus­sions.

Ide­al use of social media on our web­site would con­fine your dis­clo­sures pri­mar­i­ly to mat­ters per­tain­ing to you, not oth­ers. If in doubt, it’s best to err on the side of non-dis­clo­sure. It’s doubt­ful the dis­clo­sure is so mean­ing­ful that it can­not be off­set by the pre­cau­tion of act­ing to pro­tect the best inter­ests of some­one who is invol­un­tar­i­ly being exposed by your deci­sion to dis­close some­thing on our GboyeTell Group web­site (or anoth­er).

Pro­tect­ing Your­self

You should like­wise pause to con­sid­er the long-term effects of a split-sec­ond deci­sion to pub­licly share pri­vate infor­ma­tion about your­self on our GboyeTell Group web­site. Opin­ions, likes, dis­likes, pref­er­ences, and oth­er­wise can change. Open­ly divulging per­spec­tives that you hold today, may con­flict with your devel­op­ing views into the futures. Yet, the “new you” will always stand jux­ta­posed against the pri­or dec­la­ra­tions you made that are now con­cretized as part of your pub­lic pro­file. While the con­tents of your break­fast may hold lit­tle long-term impact, oth­er data like­wise read­i­ly shared can have con­se­quences that could con­ceiv­ably impact your abil­i­ty to obtain cer­tain employ­ment or hin­der oth­er life expe­ri­ences and ambi­tions.

As with shar­ing infor­ma­tion about oth­er peo­ple, extreme cau­tion should be used before reveal­ing infor­ma­tion about your­self. If in doubt, it’s like­ly best not to do it. The short term gain, if any, could read­i­ly be out­weighed by lat­er con­se­quences. Final­ly, you should note that we are not respon­si­ble for remov­ing con­tent once shared, and we may not be able to do so.

Restric­tions on Use of Social Media Data

You, as a vis­i­tor to our GboyeTell Group web­site, are not per­mit­ted to “mine” social media or oth­er plat­forms con­tained here­in for per­son­al infor­ma­tion relat­ed to oth­ers. Even where peo­ple have pub­licly dis­played data, you should not con­strue that as though you have the lib­er­ty to cap­ture, repro­duce, or reuse that infor­ma­tion. Any use of social media or relat­ed plat­forms on our web­site are for inter­ac­tive use only, rel­e­vant only dur­ing the web­site vis­it.

Accu­ra­cy of Social Media Data

As any social media plat­form is built on user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent, you should con­sid­er this fact in seek­ing to deter­mine the authen­tic­i­ty of any­thing you read. We are not respon­si­ble for ver­i­fy­ing any user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent for accu­ra­cy. A best prac­tices pol­i­cy would be to view all such con­tent as strict­ly opin­ion, not fact.

Poten­tial Issues of Lia­bil­i­ty

You should also be mind­ful of the fact that your words could trig­ger lia­bil­i­ty for harm caused to oth­ers. While you have the right to free speech, you do not have the right to dam­age oth­er peo­ple. Under basic prin­ci­ples of tort law, you are always respon­si­ble, per­son­al­ly, for sit­u­a­tions where either:

1. you were required to act, but did not (i.e. — some “duty of care”)
2. your were required to refrain from act­ing, but did not (i.e. — slan­der, defama­tion, etc.)

These “sins of omis­sion and com­mis­sion” could cause prob­lems for you, irre­spec­tive of whether you assert you are con­duct­ing busi­ness under the guise of one or more busi­ness enti­ties. Ille­gal and uneth­i­cal con­duct, when done in the name of a cor­po­ra­tion or LLC, is still ille­gal and uneth­i­cal con­duct. As it is rarely part of a busi­ness plan to engage in ille­gal and uneth­i­cal con­duct, you are doubt­ful­ly oper­at­ing in any offi­cial capac­i­ty, but rather, per­haps, lever­ag­ing that capac­i­ty to effec­tu­ate per­son­al wrong­do­ing. You should con­sult a licensed attor­ney if you wish legal advice as to the (poten­tial) ram­i­fi­ca­tion of your sit­u­a­tion or legal prob­lems stem­ming from this web­site or anoth­er.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by GboyeTell Group, in order to pro­tect you and our GboyeTell Group web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at GboyeTell Group have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on GboyeTell Group for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect vio­la­tors.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: